
Lest We Forget

September 11, 2001.  Most people over the age of 25 know exactly where they were and what they were doing when we realized America was under attack.  Suddenly political affiliation didn’t matter.  We all became laser focused on a common enemy and our love of country.  We grieved for the lost, prayed for the suffering, praised the many heroes, and set our sights on the monsters responsible for terrorizing our great nation.

A mere 19 years later we face an enemy from within that could usher in the end of America.  It sounds dramatic.  I know.  However, I really believe America is on the ballot this November, not just in the presidential election, but all the way down to the local level.  If we don’t get this right, we may not be able to recover.  The socialist, far-left agenda that has become the Democratic plan for America is serious business.  With the mainstream media as their mouthpiece, they are doing their best to shout down anyone who dares to oppose their ideology and convince America that they are in the majority.  If you aren’t on board with their crazy plans, you are a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic bigot.  There is no more discourse.  No more debate.  No more compromise. You are either down with open borders, no voter ID, abortion on demand, gun control, revised history, BLM, antifa, looting, rioting, anarchy, and chaos or you are a closed-minded Trump supporter.  It sounds ridiculous because it is, but it is unfortunately true for the radical left that is clawing for power in today’s America. Violence and chaos continue to escalate in Democrat run cities and states while the leaders somehow blame the President for problems they created while simultaneously refusing to ask for federal help to stop it.  It boggles the mind.

How on earth did we get here?  In 19 years, how have we gone from brotherhood and love of our great nation to fighting to maintain our freedoms.  In a few short years we have gone from it being controversial to kneel for the National Anthem to it being controversial not to kneel!  How many times a day do you shake your head and think, “This is nuts”?  It is nuts.  It’s nuts that we would long for September 12, but we do.  We long for a time when people cared about fellow Americans without even thinking about who they might vote for.  Whoa!  We should try that.  We did it before and we can do it again. 

I was thinking today about they lyrics of this patriotic song, written by Donald Raye in 1940.  I long for the day we might restore this kind of pride in the greatest nation on earth.

This is My Country

This is my country! Land of my birth!
This is my country! Grandest on earth!
I pledge thee my allegiance, America, the bold,
For this is my country to have and to hold.

What diff’rence if I hail from North or South
Or from the East or West?
My heart is filled with love for all of these.
I only know I swell with pride and deep within my breast
I thrill to see Old Glory paint the breeze.

With hand upon heart I thank the Lord For this my native land,
For all I love is here within her gates.
My soul is rooted deeply in the soil on which I stand,
For these are mine own United States.

This is my country! Land of my choice!
This is my country! Hear my proud voice!
I pledge thee my allegiance, America, the bold,
For this is my country! To have and to hold.

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